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SGshop Delivery Adjustment Rates Announcement 20/10/2017

Dear SGshop Customers,

There has been a change in our delivery rates which we would like to bring to your attention. Our buy for me delivery rates had always been charged at a two-tiered flat rate (below 8KG - $4.90 and above 8KG - $7.90). 

Due to the increase in the price of petrol, we regret to inform you that there will be additional rates for parcel buy for me delivery rates such as parcel above 20kg to 100kg for $14.90 and 100kg onwards for $24.90 and every extra 100kg will be charged at $14.90. As for Ship For Me, every extra 50kg there will be charged at $14.90 We regret the necessity of imposing this restriction.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being one of our most valued customers.


For more delivery information, please refer to: