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30/06/2024 Shipping (Seller to SGshop)

Shipping Related Charges

As you are purchasing from third party sellers, with us acting on your instructions and as your authorized agent, there are a total of TWO payments for each purchase:

  • 1st Payment 
    Product Price + Domestic Shipping (China Express)
    This is paid when you checkout your shopping cart on SGshop. We pass on 100% of this payment goes to the seller on your behalf.
  • 2nd Payment (Paid to SGshop)
    International Shipping + Service Charge + Local Delivery (optional) + Clearance Fee Paid upon the arrival of your product in China warehouse.
  • Definitions
  • Product Price
    The retail price of the product set by the seller, which we pay on your behalf upon checkout.
  • China Express
    The domestic mailing charges set by your seller to send your item from their location to our warehouse in Guangzhou, China.
    Note: If the seller offers free domestic shipping in their policies, you will not need to pay this fee.
  • International Freight
    The shipping charges from our warehouse in Guangzhou to our SGshop warehouse in Singapore.
    Note: This is charged according to either the product weight or volumetric weight of your items - whichever is higher.
  • You can choose among 5 types of shipping options for your goods to be shipped from our China warehouse to Singapore warehouse - Express Air (DHL), Economy Air, Special Air, Sea Shipment and Economy Sea. 
  • Buy For Me International Freight Charges

  • Ship For Me International Freight Charges

  • Service Related Charges

  • Clearance Fee
    $0.98 fee for clearing each parcel submitted to be shipped together to Singapore
  • Local Delivery
    Delivery cost paid to SGshop in the event that you opt for delivery of your purchases to your selected address in Singapore.
  • Service Charge
    For SGshop's logistical services as your agent in delivering your third-party seller purchases.

    Svc Chg = (Product Price paid to seller + China Express paid to seller + International Freight + Clearance Fee) x 8%. 

  • Ship For Me Service Fee
    It is chargeable under Ship For Me Order when customer didn’t submit order details completely into our system before the parcel arrived in our website

    The service fee charges will be charges as SGD0.80 per Order ID

  • GST (Goods and Services Tax)
    9% GST applies for all international shipment orders in any amounts

    GST = (Product Price + China Express + International Freight + Clearance Fees) x 9%.

  • Chargeable Weight
    Your parcels will be weighed per item when they arrival at the logistics centre in China. Your consolidated order will be repacked and remeasured before shipping to Singapore. Extra spaces and gaps between each parcel will be occupied. We will compare the weight taken before and after the repackaging, and charge according to the higher measurement. The chargeable weight of the consolidated order will be multiplied by 1.1 X to account for the extra spaces occupied between each parcel.
  • Other Charges
    Should you change your preferred shipping method after the items have been purchased, a charge of $2.00 will be applicable.
  • Volumetric Weight
    According to the international shipping practice, the volumetric weight (the amount of space taken up by the parcel during shipment) is calculated and compared with the actual weight of the parcel. The higher weight would be used to calculate shipping cost. This will be done regardless of the chosen shipping method; air or sea. 

    This is how volumetric weight is calculated:
    Volume Weight (kg) For Air Shipments 
    = Length (cm) * Width (cm) * Height (cm) / 5000 
    Volume Weight (kg) For Sea Shipments 
    = Length (cm) * Width (cm) * Height (cm) / 6000 

  • Waiting Time For Various Freight Options

    *Kindly Take note that working days will be extended during peak hours.