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Last Purchase Schedule before CNY 2019 28/12/2018

SGshop wishes everyone healthy, happy and everything goes smoothly in year 2019.

Dear valued customer:

Chinese New Year is around the corner! Have you started buying your New Year Clothes? Let’s look with the shipping schedule in order not to avoid receive your nice nice attires after CNY, and wishing you have a Happy Chinese New Year!! Kindly take note of the schedule below if you want to shop and receive your parcel before CNY 2019:

Last Minute Shopping before CNY schedule: 

P/S: The above date is calculated based on your parcel's arrival at SGshop warehouse on 28th Jan 2019, you would still need to estimate the local delivery time according to your selection.
We seek your understanding for any inconvenience caused. Thank you and wish you Blessed New Year. 

Yours Sincerely,