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Cyber Monday is here! 25/11/2016

Shop for what you missed over Black Friday and pick up the season's most popular electronics and gadgets to complete your Christmas gift list. 

If you are still thinking of that smart hairdryer, VR headset or robotic vacuum cleaner, today is the day to cart them out with an additional 20% OFF SHIPPING for all China Buy For Me orders!*

US Ship For Me 10% OFF continues till the end of today! Shop directly from USA and ship to Singapore for only $3.59!


1. Available for China Buy For Me orders placed on 28th November 2016 shipped by Sea or Economy Sea only.

2. Orders have to be placed and paid within promotion period to enjoy shipping discount.

3. Consolidated parcels will only be entitled to discount if orders are entitled to the promotion.

5. SGshop reserves the right of final explanation.

To find out more about shipping, please refer to